Other words for housing issues
Other words for housing issues

other words for housing issues

VE SHERLOCK HOLMES: ANIŞTIRMALI METİNLERARASI ÖGELER In this context, allusive intertextual elements can be considered not only as stylistic tools, but also as tools that provide familiarity and recognition for the alluded text. Considering the target audience of both works, it can be thought that recognizing these allusions can be an enjoyable activity for the audience and guarantee a certain audience for the series.


series is a highly allusive text, and it is thought that the allusions contribute to the success of this long-running series. The results of the study point out that the House M.D. Then they were categorized in terms of explicit and implicit references. These elements were detected by three steps including notice, track, and become familiar. In this study, a vertical intertextual analysis was aimed at in the texts of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories and the world-famous TV series House, M.D.

other words for housing issues

This relationship can be built through several literary devices, one of which is allusion. Intertextuality refers to the relationship among texts and can be observed both horizontally between the texts of similar genres and vertically between the texts of different genres.

Other words for housing issues